Cannabis For Mental Illnesses

Mental illnesses are health problems that involve a change in the emotion, thinking, and/or behaviour of a person. It’s a broad term referring to a range of conditions that cause significant distress or impairment of personal functioning. The changes caused by a mental illness can be persistent, relapsing and remitting, or a single episode.

Mental illnesses may be caused due to genetics, environmental exposure before birth, or impaired brain chemistry.


intense and persistent feelings of fear, worry, and apprehensions.


constant sadness and lack of interest in life.


difficulty in falling or staying asleep, or both.


distortions in thinking, perception, emotions, language, sense of self, and behaviour.

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How does Cannabis help with Mental Illnesses?

The cannabinoid CBD has anti-anxiolytic properties that reduce stress in the body and promote a sense of calm. It, therefore, proves useful for people with anxiety and stress disorders.

By decreasing the stress levels of the body, CBD also promotes peaceful sleep thereby helping people with insomnia and other sleep disorders.

Cannabis compounds also offer symptomatic relief to patients with Schizophrenia by easing their cognitive functioning. Regular and administered use of cannabis can help reduce social withdrawal and cognitive deficits in Schizophrenic patients.

The antipsychotic effects of cannabinoids provide relief from psychotic symptoms in mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

Ways in which Cannabis Supports our Mental Health

Reduced Stress Levels

CBD, a cannabinoid in the cannabis plant, has anti-anxiolytic properties and works as a relaxant to reduce everyday stress. 

Regular use of cannabis products, therefore, helps maintain low stress levels in the body.

Cannabis products prove effective in managing everyday stress, fear, paranoia, and symptoms of general and social anxiety disorders.

Reduced Stress Levels

CBD, a cannabinoid in the cannabis plant, has anti-anxiolytic properties and works as a relaxant to reduce everyday stress. 

Regular use of cannabis products, therefore, helps maintain low stress levels in the body.

Cannabis products prove effective in managing everyday stress, fear, paranoia, and symptoms of general and social anxiety disorders.

Peaceful Sleep

With cannabis compounds, it is easy to regulate our sleep cycle naturally.

Cannabinoids can reduce the time it takes for us to fall asleep and also promote peaceful, uninterrupted sleep.

Cannabis products are particularly helpful for sleep disorders such as insomnia and sleep apnea.

Controlled Jitters and Heartbeat

The anti-anxiolytic properties of cannabinoids reduce the intensity and frequency of jitters, shivering, and nervousness that often accompanies general and social anxiety disorders.

Cannabis compounds also support the body in maintaining a normal heartbeat, making it easier to manage panic attacks.

Controlled Jitters and Heartbeat

The anti-anxiolytic properties of cannabinoids reduce the intensity and frequency of jitters, shivering, and nervousness that often accompanies general and social anxiety disorders.

Cannabis compounds also support the body in maintaining a normal heartbeat, making it easier to manage panic attacks.

Better Cognitive Functioning

Cannabis compounds work in synergy with the body to improve the efficiency of basic cognitive processes such as attention, working and episodic memory, and executive functioning.

This helps in maintaining sharp cognitive functioning, which in turn boosts our overall mental health.

Top Doctors to Consult

Dr. Naveen Sharma

Dr. Swapnil Bachhao

Book a Consultation for Mental Illnesses